experience, innovate, grow


If you’ve come this far, it means you’re curious at heart. You might not know the answer yet, but you want to figure it out. And that’s ok. It’s more than ok. That’s exactly what life’s about! Few of us have a clearly mapped-out plan. When Jan Hendrik was studying to be a chef, he had no idea that he would one day have a Michelin-star restaurant in France – let alone create one of the world’s most unique restaurants in the Kalahari – especially not when he followed culinary school with a career in photography.


Soon, Jan Hendrik was both a professional chef and photographer. What would he choose? He didn’t have to. Today, he’s put his name to three highly successful culinary destinations, as well as a creative media brand that includes a TV series, a prolific online platform and a luxury print publication. Every one of his endeavours feeds into the other, and in telling his story, he’s enriching the lives of every guest, reader and team member who engages in the JAN experience.


But success isn’t something you can achieve alone. The idea for the JAN Academy came from a need to help. Looking back, Jan Hendrik wishes he had the kind of guidance that the Academy offers: real-world advice from people who have become experts in their fields. No one you will meet here had it all figured out, but they built themselves up from the ground, and many of them were still students when they first worked with the JAN brand. Others had very successful careers before joining the JAN team but found an opportunity to grow in a completely new and exciting direction. If you’ve come this far, it means you’ve got what it takes to create the best version of yourself. You owe that to yourself. The more fulfilled we are, the better we can make the world we live in.


Every good story has a beginning, a middle and an end. The JAN Academy believes that your story with us is the same, although we don’t like to think of endings as “the end”. We’re always evolving. We believe in learning through experience. Everyone you will meet on the JAN Academy got their best experience on the job, and we want to create something just as relatable for you. The best part is, as you get better at something, you start thinking on your feet more. Before you know it, you’re doing things no one has ever thought of. That’s innovation. It could be something as simple as making mayonnaise in a new way, or something grander, like finding a new plant-based alternative to eggs. Whatever you end up discovering about yourself and your talents, our stories are designed to help you get there.

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